For Emergencies - please call 000
For Mental wellbeing support - Lifeline on 13 11 14 or your GP
Parentline Queensland and Northern Territory 1300 301 300, 8 am-10 pm 7 days
Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800, 24 hours 7 days
To speak to a registered nurse - 13 HEALTH - (13 43 25 84), 24 hours 7 days, or request the Child Health Team 6.30 am-11 pm 7 days
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Headspace -
Support for Domestic Violence - 1800 811 811 -
Men's line: 1800 600 636 24 hour counselling and support service 1800 737 732
Homelessness Hotline: 1800 474 753 To assist you to search for nearby shelters, housing, food, health care and homeless information, go to - Ask Izzy online -
Brisbane Crisis and Emergency Accommodation directory Red Cross Australia—phone (07) 3367 7222 or 1300 554 419 The Salvation Army (Salvos)—phone 13 17 58
Organisations that offer free food:
St Vinnies has food outlets in Queensland
Salvation Army’s Community Service Centres can help you with food vouchers or parcels
Mission Australia offers services for the homeless
Ozcare’s Men's Hostels provide meals to men who are homeless